Do your employees know what your company stands for — its mission, why it’s in business, and how it’s different from competing companies? Only 41 percent of U.S. workers say they do.
That’s the result of a Gallup poll. While most business leaders can clearly describe their company or organization’s mission, most employees can’t. Another surprising fact: Only four in 10 U.S. employees strongly believe that the mission of their company makes them feel their job is important.
That’s a real problem. Research shows a clear link between how well employees understand their company’s mission and purpose and how well it performs. According to Gallup, just a 10 percent improvement in a workforce’s connection with their company’s mission or purpose would likely result in an 8.1 percent decrease in employee turnover and a 4.4 percent increase in profitability. If your company or organization doesn’t have a formal mission, it needs one. If it has one, everyone should understand what it is and how their work ties into and is important to this purpose.
At Richmond Financial Services, our team of oil and propane payment strategists have one mission: To provide our energy clients with next-generation technology tools and solutions. And we deliver. The payment processing universe has shifted dramatically in recent years and continues to evolve quickly. It’s easy to get left behind with old technologies and ways of doing business and to pay too much. Our team of experts helps our clients adapt and thrive to changing times, operate more efficiently and enjoy significant savings.
We’re the payment processinginnovators for the heating fuels industry. Put our cutting-edge strategies and electronic recurring payment expertise to work for you. Gain data portability and control. Enjoy perpetual processing savings, fast and easy. At Richmond Financial Services, we can help your company drive down processing costs and take control! Talk to our experts today at (617) 843-5700