The end of the year is approaching rapidly, and it’s time to start preparing your business for 2024. The new year brings new strategies, changes, and big ideas to discuss with your team! I’m here to help ensure your payment processing strategy is solid before focusing on other departments so you can sit back, relax, and enjoy perpetual savings.
If you’ve been considering booking a free consultation session with me, now’s the time to get your session in before the new year. In our consultation call, I focus on the most important and low-risk ways to improve your financial department first. We do more of a deep dive in future calls after we establish a strong working relationship. Here are more benefits of a free consultation call with me:
1. Gain industry insight
I’ve been working in home heating and fuels for years and have industry insight you can’t get overnight. I’m a nationally recognized industry leader and am widely known for successfully lobbying Mastercard to reclassify home heating and fuels into a low-risk utility processing category. This change alone saved SMBs thousands of dollars.
I’m not stingy when it comes to sharing insight and want to help you streamline payment processes so you’re not paying too much in credit card processing fees and chargebacks.
2. Restructure your team
It’s common for SMBs in the home heating and fuel space to pay for labor they don’t need. This happens when processes aren’t streamlined and business owners rely on team members to do monotonous accounting and HR tasks. Once you upgrade your internal processes and leverage the latest Fintech, you can reduce your workforce and save thousands of dollars in labor costs.
Although restricting your team isn’t easy, it’s necessary to revive the longevity of your business and adapt to the latest technology trends that favor automation. It’s best to restructure before the new year begins so former employees have time to rest and apply for new positions.
3. Become more energy efficient
Instead of wasting time and resources printing our checks, HR materials, and more, why not go completely digital? I can help you get rid of clutter paperwork and organize your documents so that you can pull data for stakeholder meetings at any moment. Executives and customers alike will appreciate your commitment to going green.
I look forward to discussing the future of your business with you. Schedule your free consultation sessions with me by visiting my website or calling 617.843.5700. Happy holidays!