Several changes are coming for major credit card companies in the next few months. Many of these changes are more dramatic than usual as the nation attempts to bounce back from the economic devastation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Business... (Read More)
The payment processing landscape changes yearly and 2021 is no different. This year will be full of surprises, but I'm here to help you navigate them in a way that's best for your business. With my expert advice and years of experience, you can stay... (Read More)
It wasn't long ago that much of the world seemed to be in a philosophical battle of sorts over whether technology, with all of its conveniences, was bringing people closer together or driving them apart.
Now, in this period of social distancing... (Read More)
As a payment processing consultant in the oil and propane industry, my goal is to ensure all card brand programs are fully optimized and clearing at the target interchange for the lowest cost possible. This is a challenging process because each of... (Read More)
Data portability is essential for professionals in the heating and fuels industry. Data portability levels the playing field, creating a variety of benefits, but most importantly it enables vendor flexibility to assure you're always receiving best... (Read More)
Nothing is more frustrating than handling expired credit cards.
If you're like me, you're probably sick and tired of declines. For years, every month this recurring distraction rears its head, disrupting your accounting department and causing... (Read More)
Nothing is worse than the confusing and time-consuming process of chargebacks. Fighting a chargeback dispute is hard, and winning is even harder. Additionally, chargebacks leave the door open to friendly fraud. Friendly fraud happens when a consumer... (Read More)
With winter upon us, its time for us to deliver and keep our clients warm. That's why we are all hands on deck to make sure you're not missing out on lost revenue as a result of utilizing legacy payment processing platforms that lack the... (Read More)
2020 is the year of payment flexibility. Why? The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed us into a completely digital age. Many companies are moving to online payments and others have extremely high demands for diversification of payment types to keep... (Read More)