What’s the most frustrating part of running a small to mid-sized business? Managing cashflow! One of the reasons small to mid-sized businesses (SMBs) struggle with cash flow issues is because of their payment processing strategies. Historically... (Read More)
Manual account receivable (AR) processes are still a significant issue for many businesses. There’s still a mentality among organizations that when it comes to processing payments, invoices and reconciling accounts, you need an actual human being... (Read More)
B2B businesses are at the forefront of embracing innovation, especially in how they bank. They rapidly adopt new technologies such as fintech partnerships, open banking tools, and AI-driven financial solutions. This shift reshapes expectations and... (Read More)
Mistakes happen all the time. Every business leader knows that. However, the goal of any business is to reduce mistakes and avoid errors, especially ones that could cost the business future growth potential. For example, imagine a scenario where a... (Read More)
Crafting a digital payment strategy for a small to mid-sized business can be challenging, especially if you are unfamiliar with the tools you'll need. As an independent treasury strategist, I can help your company develop the best payment processing... (Read More)
The propane and heating oil industry is transitioning to renewable fuels, which can be challenging. At the same time, new environmental legislation is affecting the industry, too. So now, propane and heating oil businesses must balance their... (Read More)
In my role as an independent treasury strategist, you wouldn't believe how often I meet with businesses and organizations still using outdated accounts receivable methods. Many companies have a mentality of 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it'... (Read More)
As the world moves to a digital financial sphere fueled by real-time data, the way we bank will change. A new concept of banking, called open banking, is becoming more popular. Open banking technologies allow third-party service providers to access... (Read More)
In the early days of building a business, one thing stresses out all entrepreneurs, regardless of what industry they are operating in – access to credit. New businesses operate on unsteady revenue streams, and their profit margins, especially as... (Read More)