It wasn’t long ago that much of the world seemed to be in a philosophical battle of sorts over whether technology, with all of its conveniences, was bringing people closer together or driving them apart.
Now, in this period of social distancing, while the debate may not be fully settled, there is no doubt that technology is bringing us together and keeping us connected like never before. It’s also evident that the disruptive ideas of yesterday are the solutions of today. That also means the innovations taking place right now are going to be what makes or breaks where we end up tomorrow.
What does that mean for you? As your home heating fuels business pivots to adjust to these unprecedented times, I encourage you to think about the ways FinTech has launched your business forward, and what more it can do for you. Yes, you absolutely want to employ best-in-class financial technology that allows you to save time and money, but if you’re in this business for the long-game (and I know you are), I want you to take a minute to consider how making use of today’s technologies and planning for tomorrow’s innovations also puts you in a position to build customer loyalty like never before.
We all know that retaining customers and getting them to refer you to other potential clients are two important aspects of growing your business and maintaining its success. Smart business owners and leaders make significant investments to foster customer loyalty and referral strategies. They understand that satisfied clients are easier to retain.
What’s more, they also understand that connecting with customers on a personal level is an essential driving force behind customer loyalty. So, how do you stay connected to your customers when you may not have any face time with them? Through technology, of course.
Imagine this: You’ve just finished refilling a customer’s tank. They want to pay you, you want to get paid, and you both want this accomplished in a fast, convenient and personable fashion. With our smart phones always close at hand, what is more convenient than text? Emerging technologies are offering fully integrated solutions that allow your customers to pay for the oil they just received (or plan for future payments) via text. As their heating fuel provider, you’re able to offer a way for them to settle their account and engage with you in a comfortable and convenient fashion. Suddenly, it’s not just about providing a service and getting paid. You’re building trust and loyalty, which increases both retention and the likelihood of referral.
Connections, loyalty, success, growth…. these are just a few of the reasons why I jumped back into the industry with Richmond Financial Services. The heating fuels industry is one of the greatest communities I’ve had the privilege to be a part of. The time I spent helping you grow your businesses and save money through disruptive, effective payment processing solutions were some of the greatest highlights of my career so far. Helping you take things to the next level, including implementing technologies that foster convenience, loyalty and cost savings, is what I’m looking forward to.